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Helping to protect people and infrastructure

The City of Kelowna uses the Avigilon Unity solution to support its efforts to build a city of the future by improving security, protecting critical infrastructure and safeguarding its people.

Exceptional coverage

Avigilon’s security cameras, including the Unity H5A Multisensor camera, provide exceptional coverage with up to 360-degree views.

AI-powered capabilities

AI video analytics, such as Unusual Activity Detection, and built-in thermal technology help detect threats 24/7.

Instant alerts to threats

Avigilon Unity Video’s interface instantly alerts you to events that require immediate attention for faster responses.

Faster investigations

Quickly find and access evidentiary footage for forensic investigations and export video easily for seamless sharing.

Building a city of the future

Discover why the City of Kelowna is now better positioned to provide a safer environment for its people and help secure the critical infrastructure that protects the community.

Challenge: Protect people and sites

Kelowna is prone to flooding and understands the importance of flood prevention structures. However, when these infrastructures are the target of vandalism, the safety of thousands can be at risk.

With any growing city, displaced populations are a factor. Kelowna has a shelter that accommodates residents affected by incidents involving fire and vehicular accidents, resulting in physical injuries and damage.

The City of Kelowna needed to take proactive measures to help address both challenges.

Solution: Comprehensive video security

The City of Kelowna used the Avigilon Unity system to help protect its displaced population and flood-prevention infrastructure.

  • Enhanced situational awareness

    The City of Kelowna uses its Avigilon cameras for comprehensive shelter coverage and to help prevent intruders from accessing its flood prevention site.

  • Faster responses

    When an intruder is detected near its infrastructure or a threat is identified at the shelter, Avigilon Unity Video alerts the team for faster responses.

  • Improved investigations

    In the event of an incident, the City of Kelowna can quickly find and export evidentiary footage from Unity Video for investigations.

Result: A safer community

With enhanced situational awareness of its critical infrastructure and displaced population, the City of Kelowna team can better safeguard its people and property. 

Looking ahead, the City continues to seek new ways in which Motorola Solutions’ Avigilon can support its efforts to help build a city of the future. Whether improving security and protecting infrastructure or safeguarding its people, the City knows it has a reliable and trusted partner in Motorola Solutions.

Have questions? We can help

Our video security experts can help you implement the right security system for your business.